Q: I am a QUILTMAKER. The process of quiltmaking involves several different steps, and here is one of them: the long-arm quilting machine I use at the shop to stitch together layers of
fabric and batting.
WEEK'S FAVORITE: Spring continues to make progress. The daffodils are done now, and browning down, and the grape hyacinths are blooming all over the valley. I love this vivid periwinkle-purple color!
AT REST: With ski season done, and the resorts closed, the ski lifts are AT REST until next fall.
(Click to enlarge and better see them all lined up)
This picture includes Bear Mountain on the left, elevation 8805 feet at the top of the run, and Silver Mountain on the right, elevation 8550 at the top.
Snow is disappearing fast from the slopes!
This picture is Snow Summit, elevation 8174 feet at the top of the peak.
Linking to Friday's Hunt at Eden Hills Blog