Saturday, April 2, 2016

N, Week's Favorite, Vintage

N: I'm going to go with NUTHATCH for letter N this week.  These cute little guys are in the yard constantly.  They are usually scooting upside down on tree trunks.

 WEEK'S FAVORITE: Grandpa and Grandma took a trip down to Long Beach this week to see Lorenzo.  It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive, and the difference between our home in the mountains and life at the beach couldn't be more different -- pine trees vs. palm trees!  We lived down there for 25 years, and love the change of seasons up here at the high altitude. That's the Queen Mary on the far right edge of the water.  We're about six blocks from Lorenzo's house here, out for a stroll after lunch.
(Ha, fooled you!  You thought my Week's Favorite would be a picture of Enzo yet AGAIN.)

VINTAGE: One of my collection of vintage/antique sewing machines.  My occupation is "quiltmaker" ... which I enjoy, among other reasons, because it is a connection to the past.  So I have ***a  lot*** of vintage and antique sewing tools and supplies
and old quilts. 


Tom said...

Love your nuthatch, saw the Queen Mary on it's maiden voyage in Maui a while back, that Singer is a beauty!

Alica said...

I'm curious to know if you use any of the old sewing machines? My mom is also a quilter, and she uses an old Singer for everything she makes! It's maybe not quite as old as the one you pictured here, but it was an engagement gift from my Dad back in 1955 when they got married!

Cath said...

hello Jeanne....I enjoyed coming over to see your finds for Fridays Hunt.....loved the vintage sewing machine and pin cushions.....I have had one of those Singer sewing machines on my wish list for some time now!

Anonymous said...

The nuthatches are a lot of fun to watch. I was expecting another baby picture for your favorite, but this one is great too! That sewing machine is beautiful! You just can't find that kind of craftsmanship today. Thanks so much for joining me for Friday's Hunt. Hope you have a great week.